For my workout, I typically go for a run.

  • If the weather is nasty, I use the treadmill indoors.

I prefer to be outside where I can breathe fresh air, enjoy the sunshine and check out the scenery. I normally run four to six miles at least four days per week. Just last month, I was getting a little bored with my workout. When I leave my driveway, I can either turn left or right and have very limited paths to choose from. I’ve run these same routes so many times that they are no longer interesting. I started procrastinating over my runs, cutting them short and becoming tempted to skip them altogether. I noticed my pace had gotten much slower and was getting discouraged. I complained to my brother, and he told me about a running app that he uses. I was able to download the app for free, and it’s made such a difference to my workouts. I first needed to supply my gender, height, weight and age, and then the app began tracking the distance and pace of my runs. I am able to adjust my goals, whether I’m choosing distance, speed or calories burned. The app provides notifications when I’ve achieved a personal best. Throughout the course of the run, the app supplies updates. Every few minutes, I’m told my current pace, my average speed and the distance I’ve gone. The information motivates me to run faster and further. I’m competing against myself to improve my fitness level. This has completely transformed my runs. I get alerts when I’ve achieved a personal best. I can set goals for each day or even the whole month. Plus, during the run, I get updates on my progress. A voice breaks into the music and informs me of my current pace, average overall speed and distance covered. It also provides the number of calories burned on the run. At first, this information was a little discouraging. I was much slower than I’d thought. However, I was encouraged to run faster and longer. The app has given me a reason to work hard and improve.


Personal Trainer

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