The last time I went to the hospital for a checkup, I was not too thrilled about being there.

The thing that bothered myself and others the most was the intense settings.

They have told myself and others that keeping the settings high is policy to prevent the spread of germs, however I don’t get why they can’t just use some advanced UV whole-house air purifiers. The UV light actually kills the harmful bacteria and viruses instead of having to freeze everybody to death. I know they could do both, but is it even tploy that you can prevent the spread of germs by keeping the environment honestly frigid with the a/c unit? I’m not truly sure about that, however I wish that they would keep it just a tad bit warmer in the hospital. I actually have a UV air purification plan at beach beach house and it works great to keep myself and others safe and healthy. I wouldn’t even recognize about cranking the plan as high as they do at the hospital, I recognize love you would get sick from that alone. To me, if you are actually shivering and have goosebumps, then it is way too cold in your environment! And if it’s tploy that cold temperatures prevent you from getting sick, then why do people get sick when they go out in the cold weather? I am just not buying it and I hope I never have to go back to the hospital again anytime soon. I truly don’t look forward to their frigid temperature control settings.

Commercial air conditioning

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