She was a one of only three women in the whole HVAC program.

My sister Sarah went to school to become an HVAC professional, and when she first told us that she was going to go to school to get her HVAC certification, we were all a little bit surprised, we had no idea that she had been thinking about going into the heating and cooling business, but she already had big plans. When she graduated from high school, she signed up for a heating and cooling course at our local community school. At first we thought that she was just doing it on a whim, and she said that she wanted to learn how to repair our family’s heating and cooling systems and we thought that it would be a great idea for her. Everyone needs to know how to do simple home improvements, right? Well, once she went to the class and started studying all about heaters and air conditioners, she soon discovered that she had a knack for that sort of thing. She really enjoyed working on HVAC systems and she decided to go ahead and continue her course of study at our local trade school. Of course, not many young women go to technical school to become a heating and air conditioner specialist. She was a one of only three women in the whole HVAC program. I know that she really liked being one of the only ladies in the program. Once she finished and got her certification done, it was very easy for her to get a job at one of our local HVAC businesses. She likes working as a heating and cooling specialist.
Central heating

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