It’s as though with each passing winter season, I break down just a bit more by the long, cold winter season period.

  • Our area gets piles of snow and ice throughout about a 5 month period.

The snow is the worst in November, December and January. This is a time that all you can do is get as cozy as possible inside the heating and A/C heat at home. I venture outside the heating and A/C comfort to shovel snow and keep us from not being able to get around. It has gone on this way all of our life. And recently, my hubby and I had to make a decision on whether we were going to continue this way. Our youngsters are grown and we are at the retirement gate. So, did we want to go to the warmth and the sun of the south? Or did it make more sense to be near our youngsters plus grandkids? It was tough however we chose to stay in the region for family. This meant that we needed to make some changes. For one, we needed a smaller condo and one that we could stay in for the duration. Part of that plan was to have the sort of heating and A/C that would help overheat us better and more efficiently. The new location we built did just that using geothermal Heating plus A/C. The radiant heat from the new heating and A/C is just bliss. Mostly because it comes from under the floors and radiant heat just feels so good. I guess I’ll miss all that great, mild winter season weather down south. But, I also guess that I will spend the rest of our winter season nights in perfect HVAC comfort.

Wireless thermostat

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