I’m not going to say the future is now, but all of us seem to be headed down a path where things are going to change tremendously for the human race, however i have learn all about hypothetical technology where humans might eventually get particular upgrades.

I realize a lot of people would not accept something like that, but you still have to wonder what all of us might be capable of; You see this kind of thing happens in Sci-Fi films all the time, kind of like that motion picture ‘Alita Battle Angel’, but eventually all of us might be able to have a whole body that is a unit plus upgrade parts as needed plus other things, then or you could just have some style of improved organic upgrades like improved kidneys, heart, stronger muscles.

One thing that is interesting to me is the idea of controlling your internal heating plus cooling system. Our bodies are able to produce more warmth with higher blood flow. Every one of us even produce fevers to kill harmful germs, even though a fever might be damaging in many ways. It would be cool if all of us had a way to improve the internal temperature control all of us naturally have. If you are feeling too hot, perhaps your internal temperature could go down a degree so that you assume more comfortable. If you are cold, maybe you can increase the temperature control setting a bit. I’m not entirely sure if things like this are a good idea, but it sounds pretty fascinating… Who knows though, maybe if you try to play God with your body, you might end up regretting it in some style of way.


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