Over the last few years I have gotten better and better at trading stocks, to the point where now I have become a successful day trader.

It is not all it might sound cracked up to be, as it is a real roller coaster.

But that is to be expected. I have also had to invest in getting better internet technology and computer power for my home, as speed is extremely important in day trading. I have a spare room set up where I am adding ever more and more computer processors, and servers. The room is becoming a furnace, and the next thing I need to do is seriously upgrade my HVAC system. It is way beyond and air-conditioner repair I might need. I am going to need to get something close to a commercial HVAC system I think. It will be kind of strange having a stronger cooling system than I need for myself, and only need for my computer room, but I guess that is just what is going to happen. I also need to set it up so it is zoned HVAC, as the computer room is going to need to be way cooler than the rest of the house. There is no question that it is going to cost a bit of money to set this all up, but it will surely be worth it in the end, as I will be able to get internet connection and computer speeds that will hopefully allow me to compete at least a little bit with the big boys.

HVAC technician

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