Mini split for making wine

If there’s any fluctuation in temperature, the two of uStarting with my papa, my family has made their living as grape farmers in the northern area of the country. The weather in this area is perfect for raising grapes. The sub zero cold temperatures in the Winter time allow the plants to go dormant and sleep. The rainy Springtime season […]

A new a/c unit that is smaller

I was given an old window a/c by my friend Miles when he moved down south. Miles had gotten the cooling device used as well and used it for nearly several years. The a/c was super immense and harshly large, but it put out a tremendous amount of chilly air. It was capable of cooling our beddown in a few […]

The problem was holes

The duct sealing procedure was done in a couple of hours After we got our house, Terek and I didn’t pay enough attention to the means of temperature control. We should have hired a licensed HVAC dealer to look everything over. Terek and I paid for a home inspection and there was nothing in the report to indicate any concerns […]

We are on the go a lot

I have three sons between the age of 9 and 17, and they are all heavily involved in ice hockey. They have several games during the week and tournaments on the weekends. The people I was with and I frequently travel out of state for tournaments. Even during the summer time weeks, the guys go to all sorts of ice […]