I was given an old window a/c by my friend Miles when he moved down south. Miles had gotten the cooling device used as well and used it for nearly several years. The a/c was super immense and harshly large, but it put out a tremendous amount of chilly air. It was capable of cooling our beddown in a few hours, even on the hottest and most humid afternoons of summer. The a/c was rather loud however at least it drowned out the sound of afternoon chirping, barking animals and traffic. I got used to the loud rattle of it and slept very well. I didn’t enjoy carrying that bulky a/c up to the attic every fall and bringing it back down in the sprint. The attic stairs are narrow, small and strenuous to navigate. By the time I got the a/c wherever it needed to go, I usually had back pain. Last year, I had some trouble hauling the ac device down from the attic. It slipped out of our arms and bounced all the way down the steps. It caused considerable destruction to the stairway and busted into about 12 pieces. I was extremely disappointed and not happy with the need to buy a new cooling unit. Then I saw the improvements in a/c technology. All of the models on sale at the local hardware store were about half the size of our outdated a/c. They were also lightweight. I had no issue carrying the box to the truck or installing the unit in my bedroom window. The system operates silently and does a better job of managing temperature. I am legitimately happy with all of the adjustments I can make to fan speed and humidity levels. I can even set up programs so that the a/c on its own starts up shortly before I head to bed.

Air conditioning repair

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