It was a messy problem as a few pools of water were on the floor When I was in college there were so many good memories and stories. Someday I can’t wait to tell my children when they’re old enough all of the good times that were had. I used to rent out a house that was near campus. There […]
Working at a high-end hotel and pipes burst
When I say that I am a desk receptionist at a hotel a lot of people don’t take me seriously. What some don’t realize and know about my job is that I work at a high-end hotel. The types of people who come to stay at our hotel are millionaires and famous people. My job is very interesting to say […]
Buying an older house and leaving the replacing of toilets and sinks to professional plumber
He made sure to bring over his septic truck over My husband and I just got engaged about two months ago. We are so excited for this next journey of ours! We have had a lot of stress lately though. My soon to be husband and I are trying to plan our wedding, and even start planning where we wish […]
How to avoid clogged drains
I will never forget growing up with all of my sisters. We’d always have the greatest time. Living with my sisters was basically living with your best friend. There were times where we would have our ups and downs but we knew that we were family and we would never hold a grudge. Living with four other girls my parents […]
Opening up a new gym and installing new sinks
This past weekend has been extremely busy for me. I had to drive down south to pick up some gym flooring that my friend was getting rid of because I am opening up a gym. The gym that I’m opening up is basically like a mom and pop gym. It is not a franchise and does not have a brand […]
Replacing old toilets and sinks
The house that I live in is about sixty years old. I inherited it from my grandparents since I was the only grandchild. It’s a very nice house but it is small. When I first inherited it there was some renovations that really needed to be done. The wallpaper is extremely outdated and I am not a fan of flower […]
Buying an older house plus leaving the replacing of toilets plus sinks to professional plumber
My partner plus I just got engaged about two months ago. My pal and I are so happy for this next journey of ours! My pal and I have had a lot of stress lately though. My soon to be partner plus I are trying to plan our wedding, plus even start planning where my buddy and I wish to […]
Opening up a new gym plus installing new sinks
This past weekend has been seriously busy for me! I had to drive down south to choice up some gym flooring that my friend was getting rid of because I am opening up a gym, but the gym that I’m opening up is basically like a mom plus pop gym. It is not a franchise plus does not have a […]
Needing to get professional plumber’s help due to plugged toilet
When I was in school there were so several great memories in addition to stories. Someday I can’t wait to tell my children when they’re old enough all of the great times that were had. I used to rent out a household that was near campus. There was me in addition to six other men that would split the bi-weekly […]
Buying an older household in addition to leaving the replacing of toilets in addition to sinks to professional plumber
My partner in addition to I just got engaged about two months ago. My great friend and I are so excited for this next journey of ours! My great friend and I have had a lot of stress lately though. My soon to be partner in addition to I are trying to plan our wedding, in addition to even start […]