I have three sons between the age of 9 and 17, and they are all heavily involved in ice hockey.

They have several games during the week and tournaments on the weekends.

The people I was with and I frequently travel out of state for tournaments. Even during the summer time weeks, the guys go to all sorts of ice hockey camps. I am convinced that I spend more time in the car and at hockey rinks than I do at home. I’ve spent quite a bit of cash to make sure that our home is regularly perfectly warm no matter the weather outside. When the Winter time months bring cold temperatures down to negative twenty below, I can simply turn up the temperature control and the home is warm and cozy, but during those long, warm and humid summer time afternoons, I can rely on the a/c to keep our whole space nice and cool. I rarely get to enjoy this great comfort. The little heating system and a/c in our automobile doesn’t easily compare. Driving a few hours to a tournament through the snow, I need to bundle up in our Winter time coat. When I get to the rink, I rest on metal bleachers that are as chilly as ice. Although I try to set myself beneath the overhead electric heaters, I still freeze the entire time. Despite those gas furnaces glowing bright, I need to bundle in a blanket and hoep a cup of warm tea will warm myself up. It is regularly such a relief to finally get home and be by our central heating and cooling system. While I love watching them play hockey, I easily don’t like the cold.


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