I wasn’t expecting daily thunderstorms for six week straight, but our area has been deluged with rain lately.

The road in front of my house gets so much water that it turns into a four inch creek for weeks on end.

My neighbor told me that he has to keep draining a few inches of water from his swimming pool every other day to keep it from overflowing and flooding his kitchen. I don’t have a swimming pool, but lots of rain usually results in overtime with yard work in the ensuing week or two. My lawn will grow like it’s out of control and so will the shrubs, bushes, flowers, trees, and other plants in the yard. That means I have to get out on my lawn mower several times throughout the course of the month to keep the grass from growing so high that we get a city ordinance warning. They don’t care so much about your bushes and flower beds as long as you don’t have tall weeds growing out of those either. While the additional thunderstorms have surely been driving my yard to get overgrown much faster than usual, they’re also picking up fallen branches and sticks and throwing them around the yard at high speed. Sometimes this debris can damage your HVAC condenser unit if the wind gusts are fast enough. That’s what drove me to look for a cover of some kind to put over my HVAC condenser in the hopes that it will protect it from further damage that the hands of airborne debris during a particularly bad thunderstorm rolling in through the area.

climate control

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