I recently went out and purchased my very first smart thermostat a couple months ago.

It was the first smart thermostat that I ever tried.

I have to say that I was not impressed in the least! I’m not sure what it was but I do not care for this newfangled technology and I much prefer the older models. I have to admit that it may very well be because I do not understand this generation’s technology as they do. But this smart thermostat was more of a pain in the butt than a help to me. I guess I’m just too old to be able to grasp its brilliance, but it just did not make things easier on me and simply made things more complicated. Maybe if I had someone walk me through all the ins and outs of the smart thermostat. But then again, I never had the need for anyone to explain old dial thermostats to me before. Why on Earth would I want to need to consult someone else for something that should be so simple? I almost feel like I need to explain why old dial thermostats were so simple back in the day. What more do you need than the ability to turn the temperature up or down in the increments of each degree? That is how simple it should be to control your air conditioning or your heating system. Why would I ever want to do so from a smartphone? I don’t even have a smartphone. The dumb one’s plenty fine with me. Anyway, I’ll be going to the store to hunt down a basic, wall-mounted, dial thermostat soon enough. Hopefully I’ll be able to find one!



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