Ava got her workweek down to about 18 hours and that’s in the sweet spot for her.

She found out long ago that an 18 hour workweek is possible and is also great for someone like her who prefers to practice tunes.

Ava knows some of her friends work 77 hours a week and have no time to do anything, but that kind of life doesn’t suit her as Ava needs so much down time for herself. She has no youngsters, no car, and no house so that is one reason she can work so little. Heating system repairs is what she does each week for the local business and after that she spends the rest of her time riding her bike, playing her drum and singing. Also, just hanging out with friends on the beach. Ava is 48 years old now and she feels that this path she has carved is going to be the same for the rest of her functional years. She knows when she is in her 80s she won’t be an Heating and A/C worker anymore and honestly won’t manage to do much but scrub her heating system filter and sit around the beach house. Ava can still play the drums though and maybe she can do gigs in the clubs around town once in a while to provide her a jolt of energy. She doesn’t want to be just sitting in her home all day staring at her whole-house air purifier system, or listening to the sound of her Heating and A/C system running as she watches TV.


a/c professional

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