At least two or three times per week, I use an app on my iphone to guide my workout.

The app was free with the purchase of some exercise gear.

I bought a set of hand weights, jump rope, resistance bands and a yoga mat that are very good quality. The app incorporates all of the different accessories and provides a series of changing workouts. Every week there are new styles of workouts available. Each focuses on different goals such as endurance, strength, fat burn or balance. They are anywhere from fifteen minutes to thirty minutes long, and I can choose between beginner and advanced level. I really enjoy not needing to determine what I should do for a strenuous workout. I simply follow the instructions on the screen. The app is wonderfully user friendly and the exercises are clearly explained. There is a cartoon image of a person performing the same exercise I’m expected to do. A countdown timer lets me know when to change from one style of exercise to the next. There are brief rest periods that allow me to get a drink and wipe the sweat off my face. I play my music during the workout and a voice cuts in to alert me when to begin, which exercise to do and the end point. At the conclusion of the workout, the app tells me how many calories burned. It also keeps track of my workouts and allows me to set weekly goals. Working with all the different pieces of equipment keeps it interesting. Through the app I’ve learned some new types of exercises. I’ve also significantly increased my fitness level and am able to keep motivated.

Weight lifting

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