On a recent camping trip I entirely began to appreciate the comforts of home.

My friends and I decided to go camping.

I have never done this before so I was excited about the idea of it all. I had no way of knowing what I was absolutely in for. I even went so far as to download a generic “what to bring when camping” list from the internet. Don’t laugh, there were things on there I never would have thought of. Anyway, the afternoon arrived to leave and I thought I was prepared. I was not however, ready for the lack of my creature comforts. My buddy and I arrived and it was hot and muggy. My buddy and I had brought a couple of tents so began to get things set up. Having never set up a tent before that was an experience in itself. My buddy and I finally managed to get everything set and decided to take a swim to cool off. This was the most refreshing thing on the entire trip. If I could have found a way to sleep in the cool water I would have. The rest of the time I spent covered in sweat and trying to sleep at night. Without the luxury of air conditioning my good friend and I spent the nights undoubtedly uncomfortable. My buddy and I did not have electricity so there was not even a fan to circulate the air. All in all I had fun visiting with friends. I am glad to be back at house in my climate controlled environment. Next year, if my good friend and I plan a trip again, I will recommend that my good friend and I head anywhere with a quality Heating plus A/C system. If they want to set up a tent again I will gladly clear out my livingroom and my good friend and I can “camp” there.

hvac tech

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