Ever since the scare as well as extra precautions caused by covid, I’ve been more aware of the importance of air quality, but i did some reading up on the subject as well as l gained that indoor air is likely to be many times more polluted than outdoor air, and according to the Environmental Protection Agency, most people spend about 90% of their time indoors, then the quality of the indoor air directly impacts our health.

Issues such as headaches, congestion, sore throat, sneezing, coughing as well as respiratory infection can be the result of contaminated air quality.

There are sources of pollution in every room in the house, however cleaning products, personal hygiene products, pesticides, pets, smoking as well as humidity can make the situation worse. In several cases, the air conditioner as well as furnace are sources of contamination. I’ve gotten much better at replacing air filters properly as well as scheduling professional service for the heating as well as cooling plan every year. I make sure to ask the worker to also inspect as well as test the HVAC duct. The duct plan often harbors dust, pollen, bacteria as well as mold, but every time the furnace or air conditioner starts up, these harmful toxins can become airborne as well as spread throughout the house, just recently, I invested into an in-duct whole-house air purifier that uses positive as well as downside ions to kill bacteria as well as other pathogens. It treats the air as it passes through the duct plan as well as helps to ensure a cleaner, healthier home. The whole-house air purifier even targets unpleasant odors as well as keeps the air smelling better; Since having it installed, I’ve noticed that there is less buildup of dust on surfaces as well as I don’t need to clean as often.

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