Since the covid quarantine period, I’ve been more focused on indoor air quality.

I started paying attention to the level of dust floating around in the house. I noticed that cooking odors not only failed to dissipate however were spread throughout the house. Because of the weather extremes in my local area, both of us rely heavily on the heating and cooling system. We are stuck inside, with the windows closed for the majority of the year. The health and cleanliness of the indoor environment are severely important. Aggravated symptoms of flu symptoms and asthma, respiratory infection, headaches and sleeplessness can often be blamed on poor indoor air quality. Things care about pets, pesticides, cleaning products and personal hygiene products add to concerns. The heating system, a/c and ductwork can be a source of contamination. Although I am very conscientious about filter swings, professional heating/cooling repair, vacuuming and dusting, it’s not enough. I wanted to have confidence in the air my family breathes. I knew that taking more proactive and whole-house measures were necessary. I did a bunch of research, consulted with an Heating and A/C business and finally decided to install an in-duct air cleaner, and not only does the air cleaner trap and kill pollutants as they pass through the ducts, it sends ions out into the air to actively disinfect the air. The air cleaner works to minimize the concentration of bacteria, viruses, fungus and other harmful toxins in the air. It has improved the odor, comfort and cleanliness of the house. Because it operates almost silently and requires only annual repair, both of us don’t even notice it. However, having the air cleaner has given myself and others peace of mind.



heater maintenance

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