When I was house hunting, I had a list of things that I was looking for.

  • I wanted a spacious yard, a two car garage, and an HVAC system that had been installed within the past 5 years.

The HVAC system was really important to me because I was spending so much money on the house. I didn’t want to worry about any heat or air issues and I especially didn’t want to pay for them. My sister bought a home with an older HVAC system and she had a ton of issues with it after moving in. After paying for countless repairs, she found out that the HVAC system needed to be replaced entirely, which set her back almost ten thousand dollars. Upon hearing this, I was adamant about finding a home with a newer HVAC system. My realtor took me to some lovely homes that were incredible, but with an older HVAC system, I wasn’t willing to make an offer. Once my realtor figured out how serious I was about the age of the HVAC system, he began showing me houses that had HVAC systems less than 5 years old. I’m really glad he respected my decision, because I was able to find exactly what I wanted and more. The house I bought had an HVAC system that was only 3 years old, but that’s not the best part. The best part is that the previous owners gave me all the documentation on it so I can see how well it’s been taken care of during those 3 years.

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