Since I became a husband and a father, so many of life’s priorities changed completely for me.

And that’s fine.

I really wouldn’t have it any other way in fact. I was so lucky to meet my soul mate in college and get to start my family with that person. But like many parents, I had to give up a lot of my wants as I put my family first. Plus, I spent a ton of hours inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office I work in. That first decade was tough as I climbed the ladder. But again, that’s the way it went and I was committed to taking great care of my family. So was my wife as she too worked so hard. There wasn’t exactly a lot of time for us to relax in the air conditioning either while the kids were young and we were working so hard. However, things are a bit different now as my wife and I have hit a certain level in our career where the hours aren’t as tough. But the financial rewards are pretty significant. So I decided to treat myself with a man cave. It’s something that I had always wanted but never considered spending the money on. I had a guy take part of the basement and just do it up right. There is a great bar area and plenty of comfy chairs and recliners as well. Of course, there is a pool table and a couple of TV’s. But the big addition was for sure the independent heating and cooling. The HVAC company installed a ductless mini split in my man cave and it’s the best. Having perfect air conditioning just makes this space incredible.

Heating and air conditioning

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