Now, there are more than five independent temperature controls in the house

I love it when there is peace and quiet across the land. That definitely hasn’t been the case inside our lake house for a few years. We’re just getting to that stage where the two of us have teens and pre-teens inside the house. And they go at each other over some of the most inane things. But 1 argument and fightal trigger has been disconnectd from the rotation. My teenagers would just go to war over the temperature control setting. And it just wore me out no end. I got so tired of the near constant battles when it came to the heating and cooling in the house. Truth be told, I don’t even think the teenagers were all that mad about the temperature control setting. They all definitely appear to have different, although consistent, prefers and dislikes when it comes to the temperature control setting. That said, I think the battle over the a/c was just sort of something that got used to just go after each other. Again, I love to come home to a lake house that is not in turmoil just so I can chill out in the a/c after a long afternoon at work. So I called the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier and asked them for some help. They responded with something I didn’t ever realize was possible. The Heating and Air Conditioning professionals were able to tweak our existing Heating and Air Conditioning component to add zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning. Now, there are more than five independent temperature controls in the house. So everyone can have their own desired temperature control setting. And there is a bit more peace in the valley.


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