I think we are not too far from cracking the code to a natural climate control system fueled by the elements.

There must be a way to harness the power of the earth to cool and heat homes.

Heating a home seems to be easier as we can use solar panels to use the heat from the sun to warm the home. I think the cooling part might be a little more difficult to figure out, but I know that we can come up with a solution so we don’t have to use any money to cool our homes and offices. I think offices might be a thing of the past in the near future because a lot more and more people seem to be working from home now. I don’t mind going to the office at the HVAC company though, because I get to socialize with the other HVAC techs and it’s kind of fun, plus it gets me out of the house and off of my daybed where I work online. Speaking of my work online. I have to finish up in the next hour because my bandmate is coming over to help me do some music editing, as we have many songs online that need to be edited and mastered. I also need to clean my ductwork later today, but I might run out of time for that because music is the number one priority today. There’s always tomorrow, because I don’t have a lot of work tomorrow, so I might have to just push it to then.

electric fireplace

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