It is April 17th today.

We did our taxes and that is all we will say about the topic because taxes are so dull.

We don’t know why anyone would want to be in the tax field for work as it seems so bland and stressful, but we know there’s a job for everyone. They honestly say the same about us doing standup comedy for 18 or so years. We like being writers though, because we get to use our brains while we listen to amazing tunes to balance out the thinking. Our new HVAC corporation neighbor told us they are going to play ball later today so we want to get our work done before we leave the air conditioned luxury of our home and hit the beach. We may play some games but we honestly need to get our lower back pain to stop. A pain that we haven’t felt in many years but have been feeling it for a week or so now. It is honestly from the stress of the tepid water heating system cutting and us having a difficult time setting up a new heating device. Well, it is set up now but has a honestly slow leak that will need to be fixed soon. We can call up the Heating and A/C business down the road and get a cooling professional to come out. But we feel we can fix the leak ourselves with a little bit of patience. We just need to shut off the water supply and loosen the connections at the base of the unit and add some teflon tape.

washable filter

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