Something that my wife and I have learned over the years is that it is difficult to find a good babysitter, especially for children who have autism.

We have four kids and two with autism, so we struggle a lot of the time.

After going so many years without having anybody to take care of the kids so we could go out on date nights, we knew we had to try to find a good babysitter. So we were able to find a babysitter who was willing to take care of our children including our kids with autism, but we had to explain their special needs. Our kids with autism are very routine, but our other kids help them out a lot. They need to have their meals at certain times, they need to play their games at specific times, they need to brush their teeth before bed and they need to have a bedtime story read to them. They also need certain temperature control settings with the HVAC system at different times of the day. Fortunately, we have a smart thermostat so the thermostat knows their temperature control preferences. Well, this was something we failed to mention to the babysitter because we were in a hurry to catch a certain movie for our date night. When we got back home, the kids were screaming and we learned it was because the babysitter adjusted the temperature control settings. This threw our kids off their schedules and they were not happy. The poor babysitter had no idea what was wrong and had to endure nothing but constant screaming the whole time and then we had to explain how they prefer certain temperature control settings.

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