The was nothing that I was less motivated to do than go to the gym.

When I got home from work, I tried to pump myself up to change and then head out to the gym.

However, more often than not, I just got out of my work clothes and got into the couch. It was just so ebay to blow off the gym because I just didn’t want to be there and had no direction when I was there. This is how I felt about my self made workout program. I would go to the gym, do a bit of weight lifting, get some cardio in and go home. Sure, it was better than sitting on the couch but, I was never anywhere near consistent about it. This led to me just not going to the gym much at all. My gym membership was just going to waste. That was not the way I wanted to approach health and wellness. So, when my local gym membership lapsed, I decided to find something a bit different in my next workout program. This led me to a different health and fitness center where the workout classes were many and varied. However, it was the in house yoga studio that really changed it up for me. I had never experienced that sort of centered feeling before. Even though I was sweating and exercising, I was breathing and focused on my body and mind. That combination was such a revelation. Yoga has now become a staple of my everyday life. Both at the gym in group yoga classes and at home, it has changed my outlook, perspective and my health for the better.

Certified gym

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