Of course, I ended up marrying him anyway and even though we have a pretty happy marriage and a fairly good relationship most of the time, I will have to tell you that we fight about his work schedule at the HVAC company where he works all the time.

If you get married to an HVAC technician, then you might be in for some trouble. That is something that I wish that someone would have warned me about when I first got married to my husband several years ago. He was just finishing up his heating and cooling training certification at one of the local technical schools when we met, and so it wasn’t like I didn’t know that he was going into the heating and cooling profession at that point. I always knew that this was the job that he was going to be doing for the rest of his life, probably. He really enjoyed learning everything that he could about the heating and cooling industry and back then he was constantly telling me all about radiant heated floors, ductless mini split air conditioning systems, gas fireplaces, and all kinds of things that I could not have cared less about. Of course, I ended up marrying him anyway and even though we have a pretty happy marriage and a fairly good relationship most of the time, I will have to tell you that we fight about his work schedule at the HVAC company where he works all the time. It seems like he’s the only HVAC technician at his company who is willing to work overtime or weekends and they schedule him for it all the time. I can’t remember the last holiday that we were able to spend together. It’s super annoying for someone like me who really likes planning and hosting holiday parties and dinners for the rest of our extended family.

gas fireplace

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