What time zone

With the addition of zone control plus remote access things are much better now Have you ever felt you were living in the wrong time zone. I don’t mean Eastern or Central time zones, I mean the wrong era. I feel like this all the time. Life is crazy these afternoons with everything being controlled by technology. I was at […]

Some like it hot

I learned quickly that that would not be the case because when I walked into the home I was welcomed by a wall of boiling muggy air Being in my early twenties I have little responsibility and many occasions to hang with my friends. I still live at household with my parents and they allow me to do so without […]

Saving for a rainy morning

My dad consistently kept all of his loose change. He had a system of jars that held unusual denominations of coins. The dime jar seemed to take forever to fill. Each time they would fill up he would then spend hours rolling the coins plus taking them to the bank. They were deposited into the savings account so my pal […]

What time zone

Have you ever felt you were living in the wrong time zone. I don’t mean Eastern or Central time zones, I mean the wrong era. I feel like this all the time. Life is deranged these afternoons with everything being controlled by technology. I was at a family dinnereon a while back plus my sibling in law was sitting there […]

Roughing it

On a recent camping trip I entirely began to appreciate the comforts of home. My friends and I decided to go camping. I have never done this before so I was excited about the idea of it all. I had no way of knowing what I was absolutely in for. I even went so far as to download a generic […]

What time zone

Have you ever felt you were living in the wrong time zone. I don’t mean Eastern or Central time zones, I mean the wrong era. I feel like this all the time. Life is absurd these afternoons with everything being controlled by technology. I was at a family suppereon a while back and my brother in law was resting there […]

What time zone

Have you ever felt you were residing in the wrong time zone. I do not mean Eastern or Central time zones, I mean the wrong era. I feel like this all the time. Life is crazy these afternoons with everything being controlled by technology. I was at a family suppereon a while back and my brother in law was sitting […]

Take the weight off

Summertime is here. Barbeques, camping, and beach season is a wonderful time of year. There are some pitfalls to these leisure activities. For some of us the thought of putting on less clothing is a nightmare. All of the promises of heading to the gym my good friend and I made ourselves at the start of the year failed to […]

Take the weight off

Summertime is here. Barbeques, camping, plus beach season is a great time of year. There are some negatives to these leisure activities. For some of us the thought of putting on less clothing is a eveningmare. All of the promises of heading to the gym my pal and I made ourselves at the start of the year failed to either […]