Trying to fix a slow drain

I am genuinely careful about what goes down the drains in my house, and although I have a garbage disposal, I never put grease, flour, pasta, rice, sizable chunks of food, paint or bones down the kitchen sink… I make sure to scrape the residue from the plates into the garbage. I’ve made the kids aware that cotton balls, Q-tips […]

Trying to repair a stopped up drain

I am legitimately careful about what goes down the drains in my house, although I have a garbage disposal, I never put grease, flour, pasta, rice, big chunks of food, paint or bones down the family room sink, i make sure to scrape the residue from the plates into the garbage. I’ve made the kids aware that cotton balls, Q-tips […]

Trying to repair a congested drain

This time, however, the blockage was simply too stubborn I am genuinely careful about what goes down the drains in my house; Although I have a garbage disposal, I never put grease, flour, pasta, rice, big chunks of food, paint or bones down the living room sink… I make sure to scrape the residue from the plates into the garbage. […]

Trying to fix a jammed drain

I am legitimately careful about what goes down the drains in my house, although I have a garbage disposal, I never put grease, flour, pasta, rice, large chunks of food, paint or bones down the kitchen sink, then i make sure to scrape the residue from the plates into the garbage. I’ve made the teenagers aware that cotton balls, Q-tips […]

Trying to fix a clogged drain

I am very careful about what goes down the drains in my house. Although I have a garbage disposal, I never put grease, flour, pasta, rice, large chunks of food, paint or bones down the kitchen sink. I make sure to scrape the residue from the plates into the garbage. I’ve made the kids aware that cotton balls, Q-tips and […]

Hot summer day turns to rain

We were freezing as soon as we were hit by the dehumidified air, and ran to the thermostat Though I’m grateful that I don’t live in the deep south or experience the heat waves like they’ve been having in the southwest, I’m not thrilled with how hot and humid it gets in my region, either. Every summer crawls by lazily, […]

Worst seat in the restaurant

My boyfriend and I haven’t been getting out much lately. His son has been visiting, and the little guy is only 4 years old, so he requires a lot of attention. Our schedules have been pretty fixed based on his needs, and there hasn’t been much time to take for ourselves. That’s why it was so exciting to go out […]

Filtration system for city life

The air quality outside is poor, and I’ve been getting respiratory infections if I sleep without running my central cooling system alongside a humidifier. I’ve lived in a rural area for most of my life, and had few health problems during that time. I was lucky to have a big backyard to play in, lots of animals, and the ability […]

Can’t sleep without AC

I’ve never been a sound sleeper. I think the trouble started as a child when I was afraid the world would end when I closed my eyes every night. I thought all my loved ones would be gone when morning came, and couldn’t get over my anxiety enough to even go to slumber parties with other kids my age. That […]